Sunday, May 14, 2006

Coleman Writes About Rambix Reader McGruv

...but no mention of Rambix!

On May 3rd Rambix reader McGruv sent me an email detailing a North Minneapolis murder that had just occurred in his own backyard. It was actually more of an execution than a simple murder. I posted his email (with permission) here.

Two weeks later, intrepid Red Star columnist Nick Coleman picks up the story: "Neighbors wonder why city doesn't hear their pleas".

Actually, Nick writes this story pretty straight. This goes back to my theory that when Mayor Rybak lost the liberals on crime in Minneapolis, then he's pretty much hanging in the wind. He appears to have even lost uber-liberal Coleman, and he still hasn't resigned.

Nick writes:

Derek and Lindsay moved into their home six weeks ago. On May 3, Derek, 27, was giving the kids a bath when he heard shots. An execution was going down in his back yard.

Barbara, 58, saw it from a window in her home, a few doors away. Like everyone else in this story, she asked me to keep her last name out of it. You don't have to wonder why.

Barbara watched as two hoods pumped bullets into Christopher Lynch, 19, who was on his knees in Derek's yard. After the killers fled, Barbara, a hairdresser, ran to the side of the dying teen.
(I'm making the logical assumption that McGruv is Derek)

"They shot him everywhere -- the face, the back, the butt. When [emergency responders] cut his clothes off, he was bleeding all over. I didn't want to leave him. He was still warm. They had him buck naked in front of everybody in the neighborhood, so I yelled at them to cover him up and let him have some dignity.

"Then they carried him away, like he was a sack of nothing."
My understanding is that the victim is actually not a "sack of nothing". He was allegedly a drug dealer, possibly a gang-banger. He was also murder #19 of the year in Minneapolis, if I'm not mistaken.

"We know what's going on," says Corbin [neighbor]. "We talk to our elected officials. We talk to the police. But we have yet to get an adequate response. It takes people dying to get attention."

Even that doesn't always work. As we come to the yard where Christopher Lynch died, we are just in time for his vigil. There is a lone TV helicopter overhead, but no cops or media people on the ground as 50 friends and neighbors hold hands in a circle and pray at the spot where Christopher died.
It's unfortunate, Corbin, but even death doesn't get real response from the liberal Minneapolis establishment (see the previous post for what really ought to be done).

The mayor doesn't know what to do and Hennepin county Attorney Amy Klobuchar is too busy on the campaign trail to incarcerate the filth that is stinking up the city of Minneapolis.

McGruv offered Nick some words of wisdom:

"We can't just take off and leave," Derek says as his kids run around the prayer circle, oblivious to the reason for the gathering. "You can't sell a house two months after you bought it, not with a murder in your back yard. The thing of why we moved here was it was affordable, and it was a good neighborhood.

"But this is how bad neighborhoods get bad. They get that way because somebody hijacks a good neighborhood. And nobody does anything about it."