Thursday, January 12, 2006

Making Minnesota judges look conservative

A Vermont judge who "no longer believes in punishment and is more concerned now about rehabilitation" has sentenced a child-rapist to 60 days in prison. Only this judge could make Minnesota judges look reasonable. In fact, he may have even eclipsed the foolishness of this judge, except no one technically died in the child rape case.

Prosecutors expected an 8 to 20 year sentence (Does anyone feel that even that might be light?).

Thankfully, normal folks have unleashed some blowback on the judge:

. . .Vermont state House Republicans introduced a non-binding resolution yesterday asking Cashman to resign.

"We can't tell him what to do, but it would be a pretty powerful statement," Republican Rep. Kurt Wright told the Burlington Free Press.

The paper said Wright's resolution was one of several responses consider by legislators to the barrage of complaints from constituents and people across the country.

Gov. James Douglas has condemned the decision, saying it appalled him.
Fox News attack dog Bill O'Reilly is on the case. Say what you will about O'Reilly, he is constantly vigilant for liberal fool judges, such as Edward Cashman.

Fox host Bill O'Reilly is promoting an e-mail campaign to urge the governor and lawmakers to impeach Cashman. He stated last night the governor's office says it has received more correspondence on the 60-day sentence than any other issue in the history of Vermont.
In this case, the mistake can be righted before anyone else gets hurt. What is the matter with these judges? The judges actions in this case are egregiously disrespectful to the victim, and potentially negligent regarding future victims.

Justice has not been done. Yet.