Thursday, July 14, 2005

Out late celebrating diversity - blog props

Rambix reads, enjoys, and learns from various blogs representing all viewpoints. Ok, make that only right-wing screeds. All too often, we take these offerings for granted; they're free after all! So here's some blog props to a select few, not all-inclusive:

Big daddy, Little Green Footballs. If Charles got a dollar a hit, he'd be, well, rich. Great posts keep us up to date on the Islamofascists and the liberals who support them.

Props to Powerline, with the wavy flag. Somewhere in New Mexico a supercomputer is calculating their daily hit count. That kind of action means these guys are good.

Love the local/national mix of these smart, smart bloggers. I always learn something at Fraters Libertas, SCSU Scholars, Captains Quarters, Lileks, and Shot in the Dark.

Any blogger that exposes the hypocrisy and foolishness of the Red Star is going to be on my short list. The no-holds-barred Anti-Strib is a daily read for Rambix.

There are so many more great reads out there, it's impossible to list them all. Everyone contributes an interesting slice, and together they become a serious counterweight to the pompous and arrogant MSM. Here's to the "right" bloggers!

*Image courtesy of