Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The downward spiral, thanks to liberals

Here in the Minneapolis area, we have a particularly vile weekly newspaper called City Pages. Many years ago, it used to be cutting edge and a fun an informative read for the local "scene". While it has always been run by leftists, Marxists, and liberals of all stripes, they were generally subdued politically, in a relative sense. You knew that they were liberals, but it wasn't a big deal.

The City Pages had a history of some good investigative work, and some very interesting stories that papers like the Red Star would never print. They might write an expose on the local crime scene unit, or do a profile on some interesting local personality. Fun reads.

Sometime over the past decade, however, City Pages crossed the line from exploring the stories the big papers wouldn't touch, to being an all-out Marxist, propaganda machine with twisted fixations on perversions and evil of all kinds. Anything goes for the City Pages. All lifestyles and sexual activities are celebrated, and the word "normal" is not in their lexicon. It's great if you're a pervert, degenerate, loser, or mentally imbalanced. It's not great if you have a shred of decency.

Where are we going with this? The big picture is the wanton immorality of many areas of our society. One doesn't even have to be a prude to be shocked by the level of cultural trash we and our children are exposed to everywhere we look.

For example, it used to be that only criminals, longshoremen, and some military vets sported tattoos. Now we can add a substantial number of 18 year old suburban girls to that group. They know not what they have subjected themselves to. It's a shame they're led astray by powerful forces, dark and grim.

The Red Star is trying desperately to slide into the pit. They promote, celebrate, and glorify behaviors and ideas such as homosexuality, socialism, nihilism, and many things counter-culture and "non-normative". Today, they printed an article in the Variety seciton titled "More brides are 'showing' in their wedding gowns". It represents one of the Red Star's primary agendas: to normalize previously shameful behavior, in this case out-of-wedlock pregnancies.

"The Rev. Scott Carpenter, a Unity pastor who presides over another national group of officiants, the National Association of Wedding Ministers, said that eight years ago, he never had a bride openly announce her pregnancy, but now those brides account for about 20 percent of the weddings he performs."
It's incremental and pernicious, and we have to ask ourselves, where will it stop?