Friday, July 21, 2006

Minneapolis Robbery Crime Alert

The Minneapolis Police have issued a Crime Alert dated 7/19/06 following robberies by a gang of 2-3 black male juveniles:

Cleveland, Folwell, McKinley, Jordan and Hawthorne Neighborhoods July 19, 2006

Robbery of person from July 13-18, 2006


Victims are being robbed while walking, waiting for the bus, or out in their yards. These are crime of opportunity. One 80-year-old man was held by suspects while another suspect removed money from his pockets. The robberies have happened in these locations:

23rd Ave. N. to 26th Ave. N. and Lyndale to Colfax Ave. N.: all hours
21st Ave. N. to 24th Ave. N. and Penn Ave. N.: late afternoon, 4:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Suspect information:

Suspects have been two groups of 2-3 black male juveniles.
Robbed while "walking, waiting for the bus, or out in their yards". More "high risk" activity!

The link also gives a list of "What you can do". I've taken the liberty of adding a couple bullet points (no pun intended):

  • Secure yourself with a personal protection tool as authorized by the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.
  • Take your business to a city other than Minneapolis.