Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Minneapolis Attempted Carjacking

Let's see if the Red Star reports this story.

The Minneapolis Police SAFE Unit has issued an alert on an attempted carjacking in the 3700 block of Harriet Ave. S. in Minneapolis. For those of you not familiar with this area, it is a neighborhood that used to be bad, but turned for the better in the late 1990s. It's now filled with young people and long time residents who take care of and improve their homes, but it is still considered a somewhat of a transition area from more dangerous neighborhoods further north.

In other words, an attempted carjacking here is unusual. This is not the North Side.

Per the Minneapolis Police SAFE Unit:

This morning (5-17-06) at about 6 am, an attempted Robbery/Car Jacking occurred on the 37xx block of Harriet Av S.

“Victim was sitting in her vehicle putting on makeup prior to going to work. The suspect attempted to car jack her vehicle. The Victim fled the vehicle with the car keys. The suspect then fled when witnesses began to respond to screams for help from the Victim.”

There is limited suspect information. Black Male, late teens or early twenties wearing a hooded sweatshirt. Suspect was riding a bright colored bicycle prior to the attempted criminal act.
This rat is still on the loose. Let's hope they get him soon.