Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Muslims riot in France - socialism, multiculturalism gone bad

You hear about the generous welfare programs in France, you hear about the fine French dining, you hear about the civilized French and their high culture. What you won't see on the front pages, if at all, in socialist sympathetic newspapers such as the Red Star, is the turmoil going on beneath the surface in French and many other European societies. Breitbart.com reports: "Fifth night of unrest in Paris suburb following deaths of two youths".

Police fired tear gas canisters and rioters hurled Molotov cocktails as violence hit a poor Paris suburb for the fifth straight night in unrest that officials said had also spread to neighbouring towns.
As in many urban riots, the spark is often an event that might otherwise have made the back pages of the local paper at best. In this case two young criminals were evading police, and ran into an electrical relay station during their escape attempt. They escaped permanently after being electrocuted to death.

The local prefecture said that the levels of violence in the troubled suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois were lower than on previous nights.

However 12 people were arrested in the town, which has a large Muslim community, during a night in which a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a police station and 11 cars and trash cans were torched.

Tensions have been running high between police and gangs of youths in Clichy-sous-Bois, northeast of the capital, since the accidental death by electrocution last Thursday of two teenagers.
How could this happen in the tolerant, multicultural socialist paradise of France? Surely these kind of problems are endemic to America only?

These last paragraphs in the story are telling:

Of the 28,000-plus residents of Clichy-sous-Bois, 50 percent of the population is under 25 and one-quarter of the breadwinners in each household have no job, according to the town's website.

Like many working-class districts on the capital's northern rim, it has a heavy concentration of immigrants including first and second generation Muslims from France's former colonies.

Its "cities", the French euphemism for subsidized low-income housing developments, are prey to the crime and social trouble fuelled by unemployment rates more than double the national level of around 10 percent.
Don't let the socialists get away with portraying their society and culture as superior to that of the backwards and lowbrow Americans. Although they try, they can't bury their problems. The pressure builds until it explodes as it currently is in the French slums.

Rambix has posted on this issue in the past, here: "The benefits of socialism, French style".