Monday, October 03, 2005

The naive liberal - a case study

The Red Star's Mike Kaszuba does a profile today on "Sandy Vargas, the top administrator of Hennepin County and its $1.8 billion budget". Nobody has really heard of Ms. Vargas, but she is apparently paid the stunning sum of $173,614 per year. The story contains abundent clues that Ms. Vargas suffers from liberalism. The first clue is that she has "two white Maltese puppies, Diego and Frida". The second clue is her naivete:

As she encounters the troubled people she meets on the streets or sees sleeping in a park near her home, she said, she occasionally gives them money. On another early Sunday morning, she said she gave $20 to a man she met on the streets who told her he was from Los Angeles and had his car towed.
Are you freaking kidding? Some bum told you he came from LA and now his car is towed, and you give him $20? Your case of liberalism is much worse than originally thought.

As she spoke, her heels crushed the broken glass on the sidewalk along 7th Avenue S. and two sinister-looking men walked by. "I don't want you to think that I'm [standing here] passing out dollar bills, or whatever," she said as she struggled with her two dogs.
Isn't that interesting? I wonder why the two men looked sinister? Were they black? Isn't that "judging"? Isn't that racist? If this article were about a conservative, it would contain derogatory language to that effect. But we know that such an article would not appear in the Red Star if the subject was a conservative. They're not biased, really!

The article goes on to talk about the budget process Ms. Vargas is involved in:

Mary Ann Blade, who heads the Minnesota Visiting Nurse Agency, told county officials there would be no money next year to help undocumented Hispanic mothers who are pregnant. Thirty-one percent of the 8,000 mothers and children that the agency served last year were Hispanic, Blade said, and just 7 percent of those were documented.
The mother's status is not "undocumented". The correct description is "illegal alien". One has to go all the way back to, well, this blog's most recent prior post, where the subject of language modification to suit an agenda is discussed. This is yet another example.

More societal transformation flowing from the office of Ms. Vargas:

Sitting recently in her office overlooking downtown Minneapolis, Vargas talked about a handful of new county projects -- like the American Indian Families Project -- that she hopes will help address generational poverty. In her county budget address two weeks ago, Vargas said "we have much work to do when it comes to understanding the root causes of generational poverty and then finding solutions."
Rambix will help you with that one. It's perpetual laziness. There are so many government programs out there that no one should ever have to work if they play their hand right. Because liberalism has not yet been cured or eradicated, the government giveaways remain legion.

Sandy Vargas is a patsy of the left. She exemplifies the mindset of the disease known as liberalism. Here's a suggestion for Ms. Vargas: Take your fat salary and distribute it to every bum you see, until you have achieved "equality". Only then will you be credible.