Sunday, October 16, 2005

MSM manipulation, Red Star style

The minimization, softening of facts, and just plain oddity in this Toledo Blade article is something to behold: "Violence in North Toledo after Nazi march canceled; mayor declares curfew". The reporters and editors must have attended the same Newspeak conference as the staff of the Red Star. The byline is simply "Blade staff".

As best we can decipher, the article is about a race riot. But the "Blade staff" take great pains to minmize that fact, starting with the title. If one were to read the title alone, as many people do, you would be left with no indication that anyone besides the Nazis were causing problems. In fact, there is no indication the Nazis caused any problems. Not that we're defending Nazis, but if they didn't cause problems, they didn't cause problems.

The riots allegedly occurred because of the cancellation of the Nazi march (It all seems very Alice in Wonderland, doesn't it?).

Mr. Ford [the Mayor] said those protesting were mainly male gang members in their 20s. He said the protests were not triggered by race relations but by gang members with grievances.
So...what does that have to do with Nazis?

A mob of at least 500 people threw bricks and rocks at police and vehicles, looted a bar at Central and Mulberry and started it on fire, and overturned a car at a North Toledo gas station and burned it.There were reports of minor injuries to police and numerous arrests.

There's that looting thing again. Sounds familiar. Then we find out that the riots didn't even occur near the planned Nazi march site:

Because of the violence - which broke out along Stickney Avenue away from the Nazis gathered in the park - police cancelled the march and told the Nazis to leave, which they did.

Again, we're not defending the Nazis, but at least they left when asked. The mob, on the other hand:

Mayor Ford and Toledo Fire Department chief Mike Bell approached the mob and attempted to negotiate a compromise. But as they talked, and as the crowd yelled and screamed at them, looters broke into the bar at Central and Mulberry and began taking merchandise.

Mr. Bell eventually began walking back toward a large group of police shaking his head.

"No more negotiating," he said. "We’re done. They just set a building on fire."
"Taking" merchandise? Isn't it stealing? More hard evidence of minimization of behavior.

And by the way, nowhere in the article is the race of the rioters mentioned. Only the photo tells the story, but would a reader who didn't have access to the photo be informed? Isn't the race of the rioters in a race riot relevant information?

Well, this article certainly ranks high in the Pantheon of MSM social manipulation and Newspeak. It's but one example of what Rambix has no trouble finding in MSM rags like the Red Star and others of its ilk. What we are witnessing is the changing of language and information flow to advance an agenda, mainly by the socialist elite, which has been detailed in prior entries throughout this blog.

Information is power. Our mission is to inform.