Tuesday, September 13, 2005

More on the Palestinian fun fest

Joshua Mitnick reports for the Washington Times a little more truth in "Palestinians rejoice, loot as Israel wraps up pullout" (You won't see this in the NYT or Red Star).

Despite Palestinian Authority pledges to keep Gazans out of the abandoned Israeli settlements for a few days, the Palestinian security forces did not prevent militants from torching synagogue buildings and firing guns in celebration, while looters made off with truckloads of debris.
Indeed, let's give them a state. Little Green Footballs provides a bit more clarity here:

Anyone surprised by this animalistic behavior has not been paying attention: An orgy of looting and arson [Jerusalem Post].
More from the Jerusalem Post:

The greenhouses, left behind by Israel as part of a deal brokered by international mediators, are a centerpiece of Palestinian plans for rebuilding Gaza after 38 years of Israeli occupation. The Palestinian Authority hopes the high-tech greenhouses will provide jobs and export income for Gaza’s shattered economy.

During a tour of Neveh Dekalim, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei implored Palestinians to leave the structures intact, even as people scavenged through debris elsewhere in the settlement.

“These greenhouses are for the Palestinian people,” he said. “We don’t want anyone to touch or harm anything that can be useful for our people.”

Just minutes away, crowds of looters in the Gadid settlement overwhelmed hundreds of guards trying to protect the greenhouses. Guards acknowledged that in many cases, they were unable to stop the looting.

“They are taking plastic sheeting, they are taking hoses, they are taking anything they can get their hands on,” said Hamza Judeh, a Palestinian policeman.
Alas, the Palestinians have destroyed productive facilities left by the Israeli settlers for immediate gain. Violence and shortsightedness will keep these folks in the stone age indefinitely. Any predictions on what Gaza will look like 5 years hence?