Saturday, September 10, 2005

Bumbling, stumbling, fumbling...

FEMA thought it would be a great idea to give each Hurricane Katrina displaced family a $2000 credit card. But to their utter shock and amazement...

...from the outset, there was confusion.

Word spread quickly among the thousands of refugees in the Houston Astrodome following announcement of the program Wednesday. FEMA workers, however, were unaware of the announcement and had no cards to offer.

On Thursday, the Red Cross began distributing its own debit cards at the Astrodome. The Red Cross assigned appointment times to the refugees, but many people started lining up anyway and waited for hours. Many fainted in the heat, and police had to be brought in for crowd control.

Around Houston, poor people who heard that the government was giving out money tried to get into the Astrodome complex for cards, prompting officials to lock the gates. By Thursday evening, electronic freeway signs in Houston were flashing, "There are no debit cards at the Astrodome."

This plan fell apart faster than a liberal wants to spend your money on a government program. Yes, it's probably a good thing the director of FEMA has been sacked.